Let’s face it: not sleeping well sucks.

You don’t have the motivation or energy to put toward achieving other health goals, or your personal passions. 

Life feels overwhelming, stress never-ending. 

When you’ve already tried everything to help yourself sleep better, not having anything work long-term is frustrating.

That’s why I created this course: to share an approach that ditches all the stuff that isn’t helping, and helps you reconnect to your natural ability to sleep well. 

Could it be possible for you to get refreshing, natural sleep once again? 

If you’re open-minded about an entirely different approach to sleep, then give the Sleep Academy course a go.

Just imagine . . .

  • That 6 weeks from now, you have confidence in your ability to sleep every night, without any magic pills or potions

  • What it would be like to more consistently wake with your mind and body feeling refreshed and energized

  • Releasing any need to buy more sleep products, track your sleep with gadgets, or talk about your sleep struggles ever again

  • What you could focus on instead (and with all the extra energy)!

Yes, I'm ready to reclaim my sleep, energy, & enthusiasm for life!

Kali Patrick

Sleep & Well-Being Coach

Kali Patrick is an adult sleep coach and #1 bestselling author of Mastering Your Sleep Puzzle: Your 12-Week Guide to Sleeping Better. She helps stressed-out tired people reclaim their sleep, energy, & enthusiasm for life. Kali blends her training as a nationally-board certified health & wellness coach and therapeutically-trained yoga teacher into a practical and flexible approach to help busy people improve their sleep long term. Kali’s personal experience with both insomnia & burnout add a different dimension to her approach and make her a leading—though often contrarian—sleep expert. Kali believes that everyone has the ability to sleep naturally without any of the products, pills, potions, & gadgets marketed by the $65 billion sleep aid industry.

As featured in . . .

What Others Say . . .

“Going through the Sleep Academy course gave me a better sense of what sleep & well-being coaching is and how it differs from other non-pharmaceutical interventions like CBT-I. One thing I particularly enjoyed about the online course was learning about small wins. My sleep process is a journey, & logging my small wins—rather than tracking other sleep-related data—shows that I am moving in the right direction. I also like the videos illustrating breathing & yoga techniques that help calm me, rebalancing my nervous system.”

  • Jessica:

    "Your materials & insights have been really helpful & so useful for why I’m waking up at 3 am every night!!"

  • D.B.

    “I can’t speak highly enough about how much Kali’s approach has made a very positive difference in my life. Worth every penny and every minute!”

  • A.K.

    “Kali makes wise & practical suggestions, helping you connect to your own wisdom. I felt empowered & grounded in my own ability to change.”

What You'll Get

In addition to email support directly from coach Kali, you'll get:

  • $1000 value

    Six (6) weeks of easy-to-consume yet information-packed lessons presented in text, narrated slide decks, and audio-video recordings.

  • $197 value

    Twelve (12) downloadable worksheets to help reinforce mindset shifts and establish healthy sleep habits.

  • $97 value

    Instruction in four (4) fast techniques you can use immediately to influence your energy up/down anywhere and anytime—with just 5 minutes of your time.

Course curriculum

  1. Welcome & Course Introduction

  2. Creating a Foundation for Refreshing Sleep

  3. Preparing Your Mind-Body System to Surrender to Sleep

  4. Restoring Healthy Day & Nighttime Rhythms

  5. Establishing Healthy Boundaries During the Daytime

  6. Overcoming Barriers to Lifestyle Change That Prioritize Sleep & Well-being

About this course

  • $97.00

Sleep Academy Success Story

Note: Client privacy is very important: this person felt strongly about sharing her experience. She received no compensation for her testimonial & gave her full permission to be recorded.

Yes, I'm ready to reclaim my sleep, energy, & enthusiasm for life!


  • How do I know whether this course is right for me?

    I work with people who are somewhat self-aware & love learning new things about themselves. I designed the Sleep Academy specifically for stressed-out, anxious, busy people who have tried a lot of different things to fix their sleep but are still not getting the results they want. If that’s you, & you’re serious about sleeping better, this course can help you.

  • What if I try it but discover I’m not that self-directed & I need more help?

    Sometimes people enroll & then realize they’d like more accountability & would get better results working 1-1. Easy peasy. You’d book a Clarity Call & we’d talk about it. One possible result is a transition into a private coaching program, with the cost of the course subtracted. (Lifetime access to the course remains.)

  • How did you set the course price?

    I wanted to make the course more affordable than private coaching. And, I strongly believe that when you do this course, it will greatly reduce (if not eliminate) the time & money you’ll spend on your sleep from now on. So many people are marketing products, pills, potions & gadgets to help with sleep these days. And the truth is, you don’t need ANY of them to get refreshing sleep!

  • Is there a money-back guarantee?

    At this time, there are no money-back guarantees or refunds of any kind for the course. There are no exceptions.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    You have access to this course for as long as it exists. You will also automatically get any updates I decide to make.

  • Does the course come with any bonuses?

    If you’re on my mailing list, you may receive “launch” emails towards the end of the year. During these times I offer a bonuses (which will also be posted on this page when available). But why wait for some free stuff when you can start sleeping better NOW?

The contents of this course should not be used as a substitute for a diagnosis and/or treatment from a qualified medical professional. Always seek the advice of your doctor and/or therapist with any questions you may have regarding medical conditions including sleep disorders.